昨天睡醒後 悠哉閒哉的吃了早餐
找小不點兒拿極品咖哩月餅 雖然中秋過了
沒輒啊 遇到了辛樂克 哪有辦法回基隆拿啊
在老家附近拍拍照 晃了幾圈
景物依舊 人事已非
小河流還在 白鷺卻失去了蹤影
我家陽台竟然有顆木瓜樹耶 結了好多木瓜
只能說 我阿嬤太酷了
還有 懷念的 302中山國中
陪伴我度過了五個年頭 只不過
怎麼這麼多年了 班次還是沒有增加啊
是怎樣 我忍不住想抱怨 是開到異次元空間去了喔
太離譜了吧 我在我家站牌等車 等到我都要發霉了
等了足足"50"分鐘才來 我都可以從基隆回永和了
眼看著對面302都走了四班 照理說 前兩班也開繞回來了吧
只是想去送一下月餅 等了超過半小時之後 火氣整個上來
從涼風陣陣等到大雨都摔下來了 更加無法澆息怒火
blue skies fade to grey
passion's gone away
listen a joyful song just to turn it around
"Always Look On The Bright Of Life"
Some things in life are bad 生命裏有些事情很差
They can really make you mad 真的會讓你發狂
Other things just make you swear and curse 一些事會讓你發毒誓,下降頭
When you're chewing your life's gristle 當你嚼到這些生命的 "軟骨"
Don't grumble, give a whistle 不要抱怨咬不動,吹個口哨吧
And this'll help things turn out for the best 這些都會幫助你變的更好
Always look on the bright side of life.看看事情的光明面
If life seems jolly rotten 如果生命裡的快樂消失
There's something you've forgotten 那有一些事情你可能忘了
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing 那就是大笑,微笑,跳舞和唱歌
When you're feeling in the dumps 當你覺得像個笨蛋
Don't be silly chumps 不要就像個大頭呆
Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing 厥起你的嘴唇來個口哨,就是這樣
Always look on the bright side of life 看看事情的光明面
For life is quite absurd 生命相當荒謬
And death's the final word 死亡是我們最後一句台詞
You must always face the curtain with a bow 你一定要乖乖的"下臺一鞠躬"
Forget about your sin 忘掉你犯的罪惡
Give the audience a grin 給你的觀眾一個露齒的笑容
Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow 享受它。這是你最後的機會,無論如何
Always look on the bright side of life 看看事情的光明面
Life's a piece of shit 生命比"雪特"還不如
When you look at it 當你仔細看它
Life's a laugh and death's a joke. It's true 生命是哈哈一笑,而死亡是個玩笑,這是千真萬確的
You'll see it's all a show 你將會看到這全是一齣戲
Keep 'em laughing as you go 讓你能帶著笑聲離去
Just remember that the last laugh is on you 記得這是你最後一個笑容了
Always look on the bright side of life 看看事情的光明面
找小不點兒拿極品咖哩月餅 雖然中秋過了
沒輒啊 遇到了辛樂克 哪有辦法回基隆拿啊
在老家附近拍拍照 晃了幾圈
景物依舊 人事已非
小河流還在 白鷺卻失去了蹤影
我家陽台竟然有顆木瓜樹耶 結了好多木瓜
只能說 我阿嬤太酷了
還有 懷念的 302中山國中
陪伴我度過了五個年頭 只不過
怎麼這麼多年了 班次還是沒有增加啊
是怎樣 我忍不住想抱怨 是開到異次元空間去了喔
太離譜了吧 我在我家站牌等車 等到我都要發霉了
等了足足"50"分鐘才來 我都可以從基隆回永和了
眼看著對面302都走了四班 照理說 前兩班也開繞回來了吧
只是想去送一下月餅 等了超過半小時之後 火氣整個上來
從涼風陣陣等到大雨都摔下來了 更加無法澆息怒火
blue skies fade to grey
passion's gone away
listen a joyful song just to turn it around
"Always Look On The Bright Of Life"
Some things in life are bad 生命裏有些事情很差
They can really make you mad 真的會讓你發狂
Other things just make you swear and curse 一些事會讓你發毒誓,下降頭
When you're chewing your life's gristle 當你嚼到這些生命的 "軟骨"
Don't grumble, give a whistle 不要抱怨咬不動,吹個口哨吧
And this'll help things turn out for the best 這些都會幫助你變的更好
Always look on the bright side of life.看看事情的光明面
If life seems jolly rotten 如果生命裡的快樂消失
There's something you've forgotten 那有一些事情你可能忘了
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing 那就是大笑,微笑,跳舞和唱歌
When you're feeling in the dumps 當你覺得像個笨蛋
Don't be silly chumps 不要就像個大頭呆
Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing 厥起你的嘴唇來個口哨,就是這樣
Always look on the bright side of life 看看事情的光明面
For life is quite absurd 生命相當荒謬
And death's the final word 死亡是我們最後一句台詞
You must always face the curtain with a bow 你一定要乖乖的"下臺一鞠躬"
Forget about your sin 忘掉你犯的罪惡
Give the audience a grin 給你的觀眾一個露齒的笑容
Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow 享受它。這是你最後的機會,無論如何
Always look on the bright side of life 看看事情的光明面
Life's a piece of shit 生命比"雪特"還不如
When you look at it 當你仔細看它
Life's a laugh and death's a joke. It's true 生命是哈哈一笑,而死亡是個玩笑,這是千真萬確的
You'll see it's all a show 你將會看到這全是一齣戲
Keep 'em laughing as you go 讓你能帶著笑聲離去
Just remember that the last laugh is on you 記得這是你最後一個笑容了
Always look on the bright side of life 看看事情的光明面